research mediaproject
barmaleys / partisans
We are a small team of journalists who talk about villains and those who resist them. There seem to be so many analogies and parallels between modern Russia and the dictatorships of the 20th century that we decided to launch this media outlet to discuss it. ‌‌‌
We blended snow-covered Russia with the deserts of Middle Eastern despotisms and the concrete boxes of the Eastern Bloc — a popular science of the dictatorship era and aggressive war. ‌‌‌
We not only talk about how Asian, Latin American, and African dictatorships did the same things that Russia is doing now, but also about how people survived, resisted... and prevailed in these conditions. ‌‌‌
...And military-police juntas are now closer than they seem.
Russia is not the first country whose regime has annihilated opposition, crushed independent press, and started aggressive wars. Most of such dictatorships are now in the past — not always due to the despots' good will.
We are creating a relevant historical project in today's Russia, which apparently does not differ from the most horrifying regimes of the last century. The 20th century gave birth to dozens of dictatorships, hundreds of ways to suppress and kill dissenters.
We tell the stories of how people
fought for democracy
and tried to preserve themselves
escaped from their countries through secret paths
and distributed underground leaflets
hid from conscription
or went to fight against an aggressive neighbor
resisted repression
and how secret police killed "enemies of the state"
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